Juelle Quilantang

UI/UX Designer x Game Artist

Lead UI Artist & Designer: David BaumGart (Freelancer)
Ruinarch is an evil overlord simulator with a focus on story generation. Take control of the narrative by spreading rumors, unleashing monsters, and creating chaos on an epic scale!
Designed the UI Screen Layout for the Loadout Screen while using existing assets and creating new ones following the existing UI art style. These are the spell buttons & spell icons (default, selected, on hover, clickable default, add new spell), archetype buttons, and back/continue button. 
I also worked on fixing selected screens with UI/UX Issues and create new icons / assets needed for the designs.
​​​​​​​Here is clickable prototype to view the before and after screens, and added a filter menu and icon hover. Check out the prototype below: clickable items: filter button , heart icon with plus sign, view old layout button

Notification Log Panel

Factions Panel

Illustrated Game UI assets , Structure Icons, Skill Icons for Spells, and Emote Icons for the Characters.

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